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poor kevin
2005-05-06 � 9:38 p.m.

so i was just at the basement barish type part of the Inn at Turner's Mill with my parents.
i saw this guy i have known since the 6th grade. i know him due to alphabetical order. oh Kevin McCullough.

remember that day in 8th grade when about 500 people walked into me and i made a promise that the next person that walked into me was in big trouble. then an unsuspecting kevin, whom with i already do not get along with, walks into me almost causing me to drop all of my books.

kevin was then pushed down the hall wal with a series of violent shoves and me yelling about watching where you are going and him ending up inside of a locker.

i think that kevin was so shocked that i, shy and quiet band geek, would do something like that to him, popular jock, that he did not tell a teacher or anything.

then i went to the middle school show choir practice, called Guys and Dolls, and all these people kept comming in and saying things like, "um jess, did you just kick kevin's ass" and me replying with things like, "well, i guess so"

though i must say kevin, i always thought you were kind of cute, but you have become quite a handsome man. way to not let yourself go with all that beer in college.

so kevin and you google your name and this entry pops up, i am sorry for pushing you into that locker. thanks for not getting me suspended and stuff.


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