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goodbye navs
2005-06-01 � 5:54 p.m.

so far in the last 2 weeks i have done the following:

10 page research paper on the no-longer agricultural commodity of Palm Oil in Nigeria

41 page (22 page research accumulation, 19 page research conclusion paper) climatology agriculture project about mango production in Dade County Florida and how it will be affected by climate change.

i am very tired of this. but i still need to:

write an 8 page paper about coping/escaping mechanisms present in selected works of literature of personal disaster, in this case Lucy Grealy's book Autobiography of a Face and Natalie Kusz's short story "Vital Signs"

take notes on business law for the last quiz tommorrow about agency and the entrepeneur's options

but tonight is the last navigators ever. for real. no more navs after tonight at OU. ever. well at least not until i am graduated.

and tommorrow is the last navs bible study ever.

with these two events, if they are not sad enough, i remember about how in 9 days emily blair is graduating and rob and meredith ward are moving to texas. aka i am never really going to see them for longer than a few days again.

thanks God for the navigators and getting me to come to OU to go to the navigators and learn more about You, so i could do Your will not follow my own lame plans. please help me to finish my school work and not cry in my bed for hours. please help me to not fear loss, because as yoda would say, "Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. � The fear of loss is a path to the dark side." God help me to trust in You and rely on You only. thank You that i might not see emily, meredith or rob very much more on this earth, but i get to spend an eternity with them and, more importantly, You in heaven.

thank You for sending Your Son to die for my sins. In His precious name. Amen.

byeness to the navs and my friends, my brother and sisters in Christ.

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