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ricola and eco-porn
2008-03-30 � 12:11 a.m.

40 days until the freedom of summer

So the international students are having some sort of party next door. There is no music, except every half an hour I it sounds like they are blowing an Alphorn, maybe they are passing out cough drops, i should probably get over there

Ok so many of you know I receive a daily news letter in my email from Grist Magazine

So, Grist has informed me that there are these environmentalists who make and sell porn to raise money to save the rain forest. Grist calls them eco-porn activists

Wow. I mean I think the rain forest should be saved.

They are making the porn themselves; they are not exploiting people who have no other choices, so that is pretty good I guess.

I am not really sure how I feel about this though.

You make your own decision, feel free to comment, I would like to know what all y�all think about this:

*warning some swears and/or some nakedness or both depending on which of the following links you click*

here is Grist�s original feature on them.

this is Grist�s update interview with them

and this is the FFF�s website if you want to go strait to the source


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