Time in Macedonia

Time in Aberdeen, Scotland

Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

Disclaimer: The comments on this page do not express the views of Peace Corps, the United States Government, or any other organizations named in these pages.

coal, baba's, and promaja
2009-06-08 � 3:51 p.m.

Happy almost summer everyone. I forgot to notify you of my previous blog entry "Bob Graham is awesome!" you should check it out by clicking previous.

Click Here to read a very important and informative article about why coal is not clean and why it is very scary and why it is ruing Appalachia. This is one of the reasons I am getting my Master's Degree in Rural Development to help the desperate economic situation in Appalachia, the land I love. Please take the time to read this and then share it with your family and friends.

This video is a great spatial representation of data showing land use over time in Dubai. It is only 11 seconds people, so check it out.

THIS IS HILARIOUS what is nerdier than a fanny pack? a cap sac. and excellent kaboodle's box font circa 1993. love it.

Highlights from my current location:

  • Most host country nationals (HCNs) like brownies but are put off by the fact that they can not really be classified as a type of cookie or a type of cake. And I thought Western Science was obsessed with compartmentalizing everything.

  • A few HCNs liked the Mexican food we made for another volunteer's birthday celebration. Those same HCNs did not like the Italian sauce I made because it tasted like flavors and not like salt.

  • The difference of clothing between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 66 degrees Fahrenheit is about 3 sweaters, a blazer, and a coat. I am constantly stared at by people in awe of my daring to expose my sandled feet to such cold weather when this 1 degree temperature change takes place

  • in this language, the word for grandmother is "Baba" [as in baba black sheep have you any wool] and grandfather is "Dedo" [phonetically pronounced "Daydough"]. These are the most knowledgable people around for sure. Dedo's are generally a little more friendly than the Baba's who like to stare you down with looks of disapproval. Once I saw a Dedo wearing a 3 piece pinstripe suit straight gansta style when I was walking home from the market. It was hilarious. Baba's continue to wear the 3 sweaters, a few blazers and numerous head and neck scarves and Dedo's wear 3 piece suits with a few sweater vests well into the temperatures 80 degrees Fahrenheit. I am not sure how they don't pass out from the heat. Also i have been having nightmares where Baba's are hunting me down like zombies. these are terrifying, the scariest dreams i have ever had. below is a picture courtesy of my friend Rachel W.

  • baba
  • The 99% of the HCNs believe in what they call Promaja [phonetically pronounced "pro migh (like high) ya"]. This is the devil wind/draft. They believe that all sickness comes from the drafts. This belief crosses the population from the very old to very young to people with Master's degrees and doctorates. This means they will not let you create a cross breeze of any kind. So a door can be open, or a window but not both. Stop the movement of air at all costs. This is particularly sad now that it is very hot here as on the busses especially it can get stiflingly hot and stinky. It will be a long summer but I don't mind too much. It is just incentive for me to not travel too much in the summer.

  • The HCNs do not believe in eating ice cream in any other season besides summer because it is "too cold" Thank God it is ice cream season now and it is delicious. It is not quite like ice cream in the USA. it is sort of a mix between custard ice cream and gelato. But it is delightful on a hot day.


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