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Time in the Philippines

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Filipinos and Ignorance
2001-11-10 � 11:18 p.m.

I am confused because people that live in the PHilipines are Filipinos. Why not just have them be the Philipinos or call the island the Filipines. This way it does not make sense to me.

Today was tech day for the fall play. I was surrounded by annoying and ignorant people for Five hours and then it was just techies for the next three, so that was pretty cool. At lunch we all collected money for pizza. then the our producer called to order the pizza. This sounds normal enough, but he had to argue with the lady at pizza hut about how Hudson High School is in Hudson, not Stow(the next town over). That was funny. I am on the lighting crew as well as acting in the play. But there was no sound crew so the lighting people got to go on this very high metal thing about 100 ft above the stage and hang the hanging michrophones. it was very scary but also very fun.

My favorite disney channel original movie wish upon a star is on tonight. yip

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