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Cruise LOG: wind, bells, butter, granite and tea
2001-28-12 � 4:45 p.m.

The water here seen from this ship in the Gulf of Mexico is blue and beautiful. It is sunny and warm but the wind is cold and strong, almost unbearable. You can't even read outside!

The ship has a bell that weighs about 70 lbs. It's name is Caronia. It is displayed in a clear box making the ringing process very difficult.

A man came and very quickly took all of our butter away today at lunch.

Today at tea time, a man showed katie and i fossils in the fake granite counter after forcing katie to eat pastries. the difference between granite and marble is that no fossils are visable in marble b/c it is recrystalized to become marble.

Camile Court is Bad news. Darjeering Blend is the champaign of teas.


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