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papilionaceous, friable,BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet
2002-03-30 � 12:23 p.m.


some words

papilionaceous (puh-pil-ee-uh-NAY-shuhs) adjective

1. Of or pertaining to a butterfly.

2. Belonging to the Papilionaceae family whose plants have petals in the form of a butterfly, mostly legumes, such as peas and beans.

[From Latin papilion-, stem of papilio (butterfly).]

When you're sitting in a pavilion, you're under the wings of a butterfly, etymologically speaking. Also, there is a breed of spaniels named papillon having large ears resembling the wings of a butterfly.

"`You have an exorbitant auditory impediment,' replied the doctor, ever conscious of the necessity for maintaining a certain iatric mystique, and fully aware that `a pea in the ear' was unlikely to earn him any kudos. `I can remove it with a fishhook and a small hammer...' Dr. Iannis returned at six o'clock and hooked the softened pea successfully without the aid of a hammer, small or otherwise. He worked it out deftly enough, and presented it to the couple for their inspection. Encrusted with thick dark wax, rank and malodourous, it was recognisable to neither of them as anything leguminous. `It's very papilionaceous, is it not?' enquired the doctor." Louis de Berni�res, Corelli's Mandolin, Vintage Books, Sep 1995.

friable FRY-uh-buhl, adjective:

Easily crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.

Just as sometimes I feel that reading some of those books on very friable yellow paper that come apart in your hand, and come unglued from the spine, and the print's all over the page, and it seems to have been written for people who have magnifying lenses in their glasses, that's hard work too. --Angela Carter, [1]Shaking a Leg: Collected Writings

The house was so alive with vermin and tiny despicable things that it seemed no more than a shell surrounding him, crackling and friable and the same color in all its shadows as a forest. --Anne Rice, [2]The Vampire Armand

Friable comes from Latin friabilis, from friare, "to rub, break, or crumble into small pieces."

ok, well todays band is: BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet

Now in their third decade, BeauSoleil has secured their position as America's most popular Cajun group. BeauSoleil has preserved the rich Cajun musical traditions of Louisiana, while adding elements of zydeco, New Orleans jazz, Tex-Mex, country, blues and more.

my notes: they have won a grammy and are probably pretty talented. however, it appears to be a buch of creepo old white guys that are not even french. i vote maybe and will place this a low two. see for yourself at

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