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LOG: Jazz Band Trip to New Orleans - Sunday- it's over :(
2002-04-28 � 4:07 p.m.

last day: sunday april 27, 2002

7:36 a.m. - "oh that's my cd player i've been stepping on all night!"-jessica

7:48 a.m. - "HELLO! this (pointing to head) is dead right now!!!"-joe

12:45 p.m. - "what do i look like, a road map?" - big john, coach driver

1:31 p.m. - we have noticed that throughout the whole trip there are constantly vulturs and other birds of prey near or around our coach (charter bus). damn gena.

3:05 p.m. - "i'm sitting on something!" - joe, kevin responds "it's your foot!"

3:06 p.m. - "we're all delirious" - anonymous

3:09 p.m. - "i got my cowboyhat, and i got my gun ... and i got it all for 4 bucks!" - casey

3:12 p.m. - "frank, wake up, you're passing gas in your sleep, cork yourself boy, you're killing us up here!" - mr. zartman

3:18 p.m. - "wow trees might blow over the wind is so hard" - joe " was"

3:21 p.m. - "you're stepping in trash!" - joe. we have arrived home and as one leg of our spiritual jouney comes to a close, we greet the next with fresh minds and cleansed hearts.

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