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wallet, ap english test is over, estoppel, sang-froid, and je regret
2002-05-06 � 2:12 p.m.

hello all,

first off i would like to give a shout out to anthony malis(sp?) who found and returned my wallet in primo condition.

ap english test is over. praisin'! it was actually pretty easy. well the essays were pretty easy, the mutliple choice was pretty hard but it will be fine. i am so happy. now it is just ap us history on friday and i am done with ap tests. this is so great. i can not even describe how great this is.

any way here are some very interesting words.

estoppel (e-STOP-el) noun

A bar preventing one from asserting a claim inconsistent from what was previously stated, especially when it has been relied upon by others.

[From Old French estoupail (bung, cork) from estouper (stopper).]

"That makes the case for DeWitt being granted citizenship now even stronger because of the legal principle of estoppel which, Miller explains, says `once you've set out certain positions that other people have relied on over a period of time, you can't reverse those

positions to their detriment.'" Nancy Montgomery, Citizen Finds He Isn't One - 59-Year-Old Ex-marine is Victim of 1855 Law That Calls Him an Alien, The Seattle Times, Sep 14, 1991.

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." While there is truth in these words of Plato, the fact is most of us fall somewhere between good and bad. And for people in that spectrum, laws serve as good deterrence.

sang-froid, also sangfroid sang-FRWAH, noun:

Freedom from agitation or excitement of mind; coolness in trying circumstances; calmness.

The Treasury Secretary's sang-froid in moments of crisis. --"Keeping the Boom From Busting," [1]New York Times, July 19, 1998

Both men were mightily impressed by the calmness of the Americans on board, particularly among the women. "I had, during my sojourn in America," Beaumont said later, "a thousand occasions to see the sang-froid of the American." --Michael Kammen, "Wrecked on the Fourth of July," [2]New York Times, July 6, 1997

Gaviria knew Alberto as an impulsive but cordial man capable of maintaining his sangfroid under the most stressful circumstances. --Gabriel Garcia Marquez, [3]News of a Kidnapping Sang-froid is from the French; it literally means "cold blood" (sang, "blood" + froid, "cold").

so uhhh yeah, kt and all who it may concern, i am sorry that i can not do little shop. i just can't do any more stuff, i just want to sleep now. i have so many other things to do. i am sorry, but i can only do so much.

i have to go do some jive homework.


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