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Log: Chicago Wedding #5
2002-07-14 � 2:15 p.m.

yoyo yo

sup kids

july 6, 2002 continued

5:12 PM lauren has decided that her wedding reception will be a make your own taco bar with hard shells oonly, there will be kreoke, the ceremoy will have taken place on swings(like in elementry school), the wedding party will wear scuba gear, the procession song is nelly's its getting hot in here, the reception then goes to midevil times and the bride and groom have to joust, people must throw bricks instead of rice, the bride and groom are tarred and feathered before leaving the reception. damn gena

5:50 PM here at the reception, instead of clanking glasses you have to have your whole table stand and sing a song with the word love in the lyrics

7:00 PM as adam picks up a large tray he says "ultimate frisbee time!"

7:55 PM as the bride and groom await the vehicle to wisk them away lauren yells "andy should call 'shot gun'!"

7:56 PM a man precariously watches me write in the log.

9:49 PM we are in lauren's room there is a sign that has a clothes hanger with a big red circle and x over it next to the fire sprinkler. that is great.

10:10 PM we all(claire and kt and bridget) compare leg and torso lengths

10:36 PM we all go down stairs and stand in a small hallway blocking people as opposed to sitting in the large lobby.

10:37 chris has burrowed into a velcrow table and is walking around the lobby. it looks as though the table is walking around by itself. at first the hotel staff is alarmed but then they laugh with the rest of us. they are awesome.

we then go to the movies, i pay 9$ for a ticket to mib II, it is not worth this much money.

chaos chaos i gotta go more later

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