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food, colds, turkey, 5th grade, tears, icecream, b-days, and boring
2002-9-18 � 10:37 p.m.

hello hello

here is a list of things i did today before noon:

1) i went to kroger for the first time this school year with the people on my floor. we went around midnight.

2) i woke up with a pretty bad head cold but drank a lot of orange juice and took some medicine and am feeling better

3) i had a turkey sandwich for the first time since Friday September 6, 2002. [some of you might be thinking, wow thats really interesting-NOT, well at my house in hudson if you do not eat turkey sandwiches you will die of starvation.]

4) i said hello to this kid named Brad who i have not talked to since we sat next to each other in the fifth grade. he did not talk much then and he still does not talk much now

5) i recieved package from my sister. it contained a book, a letter, and a list of things to do in Athens, Ohio. when i read the letter it was the first time that tears came to my eyes since i have been at college.

now that we are feeling all mushy, i am obligated to ruin the mood with a funny incident. today these two boys were jogging with what appeared to be the intent of excercise (i came to this conclusion b/c of there clothing). however, they were also eating rather large ice cream cones.

this, like the ciggarette/gum kid, crack me up. i thought people would be a little smarter in college. i guess i should not have false pretenses.

i would have made an entry earlier today but the ou server was down and would not allow you to go anywhere on the web.

oh there are 252 days until my birthday. i would like to thank my birthday buddy amy for reminding me to keep count.

oh and Stu, i found something more tedious to do from 3-4 pm than a friday jazz band rehersal: College Algebra taught by a man named Patel that does not speak english very well and does not understand how to use an overhead projector.

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