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school, movies, songs, donkey, and spinning
2002-9-22 � 1:50 a.m.

so uhhh yeah

sorry for the delay but not much exciting has really been happening. i took quiz in my theater class and got all of the answers correct. then i took this math "exam" which i think i did ok on but it was kind of shady.

ok so the movie "one hour photo" was pretty bad. i would not waste my money on it if i were you. it was pointless and there was un-needed nudity and grossness. this made me sad. it looked very promising.

today i saw the movie "a league of their own" for the first time. it was good and make me want to learn more about women's baseball history. it is slightly sad that there has not been one since the fifties it seems. i will look into and let all y'all know.

so i have the steve ly. and kt songs "lady friend" and "presents are hard" in a constant cycle in my head. i like them but they have been there since i got to college (about 2 or more weeks ago) i would like it better if i all of the words to presents are hard b/c i mostly just know the chorus.

today i saw this good show at donkey coffee. i was glad i went. then we went to this party of this guy who "spins" at coffee house. it was like a "spinning extravaganza" where he had different spinners every hour or few hours. we only heard about two of them. there were some scary people there but it was okok.

i hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. i am going to my bed now.


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