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kids club
2003-10-03 � 8:14 p.m.

things i learned at kids club today:

1) going down the slide on your back and head first is more fun. this is most likely only becuase it is more dangerous

2)in general if it is dangerous it is more fun. aka climbing on top of the towers instead of inside them.

3) you may be able to get your head between the rungs on the play tower but that doesn't mean you will be able to get it out. at least not quickly anyway

4)playing in the leaves is much more fun then eating dinner.

5) playing in the leaves is really really fun. i am sad that i forgot about this. i am glad that children are there to remind us.

6)when only one volunteer, who is on crutches, is watchng 12 kids, b/c the others are trying to catch kids running through the woods etc, they actually listen. this, i am convinced, is a direct result of God watching out for us and totally rockin' the house


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