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LOG: Mission: Get KT to JFK - Day one
2004-06-27 � 11:32 p.m.


Mission: Get KT to JFK

The East Coast: The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Meyer. It's continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds... To seek out new life, and new civilizations... To Boldly Go How No One Has Gone Before.

These are the logs of Captain Jessica.

Star Date 27604

0905 I awake to find that I have 5 minutes before I am being picked up for Church.

0910 I am miraculously ready and picked up by my comrade Katherine.

0950 We experience the most rowdy Sunday School class in the recent history of the world.

1042 We arrive at Yours Truly for an H-town and C-bus Breakfast. Superstars present besides Kath and I are Lisa, Steve Ly, Lauren Cu, Anna, Cat, and Katie (Number One).

1350 Kath, Lisa and I report to Cinemark to view Fahrenheit 9/11

1640 I return to the base and crash a Bridal Shower for one M. Householder.

1900 I report to the "Green" with my family. Here I am reminded that the classic big band jazz will live on not only in our hearts but in real life too.

2200 We report to Zeppe's Pizzeria for the evening meal accompanied by members of the Cantoni Family.

2330 Number one and I report home to pack for the mission and watch the film "My Cousin Vinny" with Christopher.

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