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mangoes in the snow, the poem
2005-02-16 � 8:43 p.m.

Mangoes in the Snow

It is curious to find mangoes in the snow.
The mango is a tropical fruit
and I would guess not fare well in such conditions.
But here, in Ohio of all places,
I found some lying in the snow.

I suppose they must been discarded by their carrier.

The mango is a delicious fruit.
Probably expensive too,
it being out of season and all,
so I wonder why
such a valuable thing
has been discarded in the snow.

Mangoes are an oval shape,
sometimes like an egg.
The skin can be yellow, red and green,
separately or a combination of such.
These mangoes I have found,
they are various combinations of color.

The mango is not to be confused with the papaya.
Papayas are shaped more like bells,
and less like large oval-ish eggs,
though they have similar coloration.

The mango is very versatile.
You can eat it raw
or cook it on shish kabobs
or with some meat.
Me, I prefer them to be dried and flattened.
Nature�s fruit roll-up,
100 times better than fruit leather.

How long will they survive,
the mangoes in the snow?
Will they be eaten by the birds,
or perhaps by some other woodland creature?
Or will they just slowly disintegrate;
melt way, like the snow upon which they rest?

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