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combination excellent
2005-03-15 � 4:13 a.m.

I am home now from studying at donkey coffee and expresso.

My friend Liz used the phrase �combination excellent� to describe how wonderful it would be to live with an amazing person.

I would like to use this phrase �combination excellent� to describe how wonderful it is when I get to hang out with amazing people. Here are some of the groups (in no particular order) that I would place in this category of �combination excellent�:

Liz and Emily
Liz, Emily, Meredith, and Amy
Liz, Matt, and Kelly
Meredith and Rob
Meredith, Rob, and Emily
Katherine, Lisa, and Stu
Katherine, Lisa, Mary, Julie, Amy, Peter
Katherine, Lisa, Mary, Julie, Stu and Kate
Katherine and Sara
Elise and Kristin E
Elise, Kristin E and Elise�s family
Katie and Scott
Katie and Catherine
Katie, Catherine, Christopher, Oliver, and Kristin P
Katie, Catherine, Steve,and Lauren P
Katie, Catherine, and Jessi
Katie, Catherine, Michele, and Claire
Katie, Lauren P, Adam and Sarah
Katie, Julie and Annie
Bryony, Lyndsey, Christopher, Emily
Talya and Leah
Lindsay and Erin
Lindsay, Erin and Ryan
Tori and Brandon
Tori, Shannon, and Brandon

there are probably more, but it is 4:13 AM. gross.


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LOG: Balti-Malti Part 1 - 2011-07-22
LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 4 - 2011-03-27