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poor monkies
2005-04-15 � 2:22 p.m.

From the New York Times World Breifing today:

SOUTH AFRICA: GET THIS MONKEY OFF HIS BACK A male chimpanzee at Bloemfontein Zoo is wrestling to break a nicotine addiction after picking up the smoking habit from visitors who tossed lit cigarette butts into his enclosure, zoo officials said. The adult chimp, named Charlie, probably acquired the butts by mimicking zoogoers' smoking as they passed by, leading them to toss him cigarettes. Charlie now hides his cigarettes when zookeepers approach so that they will not be confiscated, officials said. Nor is it his only bad habit. Charlie has three bad teeth, said a zoo official, Daryl Barnes, blame for which goes to visitors who continue to feed him sugary soft drinks. Michael Wines (NYT)

wow. we are even making monkies unheatlhy.


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