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Log: The Seattle Rattle, Part One
2005-09-16 � 12:50 a.m.

Log: The Seattle Rattle
Mission: Meet Eva

8 September 2005

10:07 am � I am let out of class 7 minutes late. I am swiftly walking home to drive to the Columbus air port
12:04 pm � After encountering much traffic, I secure a spot in the Blue Lot Section C6 and am waiting on the shuttle. I think I am very late, my boarding pass says that boarding will begin at 12:13 pm
12:21 pm � This is the first time since 2003 that I was not searched by the air port employees, but they did make me put my shoes on the conveyor belt thingy. So I am now waiting for GROUP 3 to board, Thanks God. You rock the universe.
12:36 pm � this plane is tiny tiny tiny. I have been on it for 3 minutes now and the flight attendant has hit me in the shoulder approximately 97 times. I think I am developing a bruise. I hope I can still use my arm to write later.
4:32 pm � I have switched to a normal sized jet in St. Louis, MI and we just landed in Seattle Tacoma. I have had to pee for 2 hours now but these two creepy guys blocking me have been sleeping and I have been afraid to wake them up.
4:48 pm � oh glorious pee is released
4:49 pm � can not figure out how to get outside the baggage claim area
4:53 pm � finally, I am out, good there is Katie and Eva
8:38 pm � we are trying to watch some movie called like Moonstruck starring Cher, but I guess it is broken. Katie is very sad.
8:42 pm � instead we will watch The State
8:49 pm � it turns out that Katie�s VCR is broken. Katie runs to the garbage and removes Moonstruck and carefully places it back on the shelf.
8:51 pm � So we play UNO

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