Time in Macedonia

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Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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2008-01-06 � 6:48 p.m.

the past two weeks have been a time.

the celebration Jesus�s Birthday went off rather well, but it got more bizarre from there.

2007 was not my favorite year like no other year of my life

2007 was pretty good, but far from the high quality of 2006

2008 is not my fav so far but it has only been 6 days, so I will give it some slack

films that are great that I have seen recently (in no particular order)

the Golden Compass � definitely one for the theaters

Juno � scrumtrulecent

Charlie Wilson�s war � better than I would have thought, very thought provoking, excellent

Sweeney Todd � no one could top Angela Lansbury on Broadway from Mar 1, 1979 - Jun 29, 1980, but a very close second place lies with Mr. Depp and Helena Bonham Carter

Helvetica - I am not the only person passionate about fonts! a must see for font lovers!


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