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tegan and sara make mullets cool
2008-02-24 � 12:48 p.m.

hello. here is a poem, entitled My Old Life:

i miss singing.
and musicals.
and deciduous forest.

i watched all 3 indiana jones movies and the original star wars trilogy since thursday as a way to entice myself to do hw. it worked out pretty well. i only have like 100 pages of 734 pages of reading left. i think i will see how many video tapes i can check out from the library in my last 75 days here.

i need to get my hair cut, it is driving me nuts.

but i dont trust people with mullets unless they are tegan and sara.

i especially dont trust people who have mullets and are the ones who are cutting my hair.

today i will do an internet/phonebook search of hair places and hopefully i will find a place that looks mullet free or at least partially mullet free.

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