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wizards and scrapity loudness
2008-03-10 � 9:54 a.m.

i saw Harry and the Potters play a show here in Fairbanks, AK on saturday. it was one of the best performances i have ever been too. true musicianship and their energy and fun was spread to the audience. if you ever get a chance to see these guys, do it, it will be sweet.

as it is spring break and nobody is really around there are all these bulldozers cleaning up parking lots and walkways that are usually filled with cars and people. it is sad because the realy loud scraping sounds like somebody attached a dumpster to their truck and is dragging it around in circles continually for hours. which makes it hard to sleep, even when you're on vicodin for you wisdom teeth holes.

the saddest part is they are also removing the half-melted carcasses of the former stunningly beautiful ice sculptures.

i am sad the ice sculptures are melted but after 5 months of winter i welcome spring with open arms.


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