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bugbear, complaint, grievance, personal vexation, botheration
2008-03-22 � 9:03 p.m.

I recently discussed my how one of my major pet peeves is designed obsolescence.

Other pet peeves I have include:

*A person becoming extremely annoyed and angry at me due to their perceived notion that I like the New York Yankees because of the cap I wear almost every day. However, this cap or any of my 5 caps for this team, bears the logo of the New York Mets, not the Yankees.

Dear people who are offended like this,

If you are unable to tell the difference between the New York Yankee's sans font NY logo and the New York Metropolitan's serif font NY logo, then maybe you don�t know enough about baseball to be annoyed about somebody else liking the Yankees.

*Another pet peeve I have is when we as society fail to learn from history. My fav op-ed columnist Paul Krugman has written a great piece about this that I encourage you all to read.

Soon I think I am going to overhaul my blog roll and links, it is time for a little spring cleaning.


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