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pricks, swing, and sunrises
2001-12-12 � 3:51 p.m.

i am sick of these ignorant, spoiled, crapfaced, pricks i go to high school with. we are so freaking lucky,we have an amazing facility, mostly good teachers and every oppurtunity imaginable. these ignoramus's going around breaking windows, vandlizing, coming to the dances drunk and planning food fights ruin it for the rest of us. i greatly dislike them and i wish they would all move to sibera so i wouldn't have to see them ever again. it is only like 5% that ruin it for everyone.

on a lighter note, i missed all day of school fro three swing choir performances. i was cut by a plant, dragged into a pillar stubbing my toe, had that toe stepped on and our school assembly was cancled for the reasons in the paragraph above. then i go to my play practice wait 15 minutes only one of the five people show up and i cancel it out of fustration.

and you are like man today sucks, but this morning there was the most beautiful sunrise and strato-cumulous clouds that were orange and pink. then in the car on the way to a performance you turn on the radio just at the begining of U2 stuck in a moment and later Maria Carry's All I want for christmas is you. and then you read the bible and Mathew 23:12 says "He who is greatest among you shall be your servant; whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

and then i say Hail JEsus your my king and rejoice and be glad in God's wonderful work.

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