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Cruise LOG: conditioning shampoo, scary people, perfume, top ten great cruise
2001-31-12 � 3:19 p.m.

My cousin Danny washed his hair with shampoo, conditioning shampoo, and conditioner beause he is not know what the conditioning shampoo did.

1:49/2:49 p.m. i am in the plane inbetween time zones. Shortly after the captian of the plane announces "turbulance, please sit down and fasten your seat belt and stay seated" the lady in front of me allows her two children to get up and walk about the plane. i am scared.

I just realized now at 3:19 that the reason the perfume the stuadess is wearing makes me cringe is b/c it is the same scent my choir director wears. AAaaaahhhhhhhh!

TOP TEN things that make a cruise great

10. 24 hr pizza bar

9. breakfast buffet

8. formal breakfast

7. lunch buffet

6. formal lunch

5. ice cream and cookie buffet

4. tea time with music by Carlos

3. dinner buffet

2. formal dinner

1. midnight Quiche buffet with only 2 varieties of quiche

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