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x, snow, and sticky wickets
2002-01-07 � 6:14 p.m.

how did the letter x get to mean times or time. i am going to try and find out. this is kind of weird.

even though there is not enough snow to close school, it is still nice to look at and it finally feels like winter.

sticky wicket (STIK-ee WIK-it) noun

A difficult, awkward or uncertain situation. [From cricket, when the ground is partly wet, resulting in the ball bouncing unpredictably.]

"British Prime Minister Tony Blair, maneuvering his way through the sticky wicket of the Middle East, wanted to stress the need to maintain an international coalition." William Safire, Fog of War: Von Clausewitz Strikes Again, The New York Times Magazine, Nov 18, 2001.

i gotta go but remeber kids, always wear a seat belt.

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