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aspersion, Uriah Heep, peccadillo, the un-Shondra and the Great Jubilation, Gosford Park
2002-03-18 � 4:52 p.m.

hey kids,

i am going to try and update more often.

here are some words:

peccadillo peck-uh-DIL-oh, noun:

A slight offense; a petty fault.

No peccadillo is too trivial: we learn that the mogul once blew his top because his laundry came back starched (" 'Fluff and fold!' he screamed") --Eric P. Nash, "High Concept," [1]New York Times, May 10, 1998

And besides, "what do they say? 'Don't judge lest you be judged.' Everybody has their peccadilloes." -- "Tyson has a friend in his corner," [2]Irish Times, October 21,1999

Child of a dominant mother, victim of a guilt-ridden conscience, [St. Augustine] wrote bewilderingly haunted 'Confessions,' in which infantile peccadilloes like stealing apples and adolescent fumblings with instinctive sexuality are bewailed with all the anguish of a frustrated perfectionist. --Geoffrey Parker, "True Believers," [3]New York Times, June 29, 1997

Uriah Heep (ur-AYAH heep) noun

A hypocritical person.

[After Uria Heep, a character in Charles Dickens' David Copperfield.]

"This affair shows the accounting profession all too often to be in bed with the oldest profession. Accounting standards have been frequently prostituted by the new Uriah Heeps: these are executives in ever-merging firms afraid to challenge their clients' phony numbers and secret self-dealing because they might lose fees in the lucrative consulting business they run on the side." William Safire, Where's Scandal in Enron? The New York Times, Jan 14, 2002.

aspersion uh-SPUR-zhuhn; -shuhn, noun:

1. A damaging or derogatory remark; slander.

2. The act of defaming or slandering.

3. A sprinkling with water, especially in religious ceremonies.

Orley had once been forced to resign from a local men's club for casting aspersions on the character of another member's wife. --Thomas A. Underwood, Allen Tate: Orphan of the South

Its meetings were fiercely argumentative; members seemed to love nothing better than to cast aspersions on each other's intellect and class loyalty. --Glenn Frankel, [1]Rivonia's Children

Aspersion is from Latin aspersio, from aspergere, from ad- + spargere, "to scatter, to sprinkle, to strew."

i thought today's band was Shondra and the Great Jubilation. This is an awesome name and they sound amazing. however, to my dismay, Shondra is a solo performer and the Great Jubilation is a group of gospel singers who are entirely un-affilated. i vote yes to see both. i have been unable to find any substanial information on either of them.

and remember kids, recycle, reduce, reuse, close the loop, we can close the loop.


oh, ps, everyone should see Gosford Park, it is a glorious thinking movie.

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