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eagre, fulminate, vesuvious, almost done :)
2002-05-23 � 10:12 p.m.

hey kids,

long time, no write. sorry i have had concert or other similar event every night this week and i have just discovered that i forgot to do a long term project interview about WWII. damn gena

here are some words:

eagre (EE-guhr) noun

A high tidal wave rushing upstream into an estuary.

Also known as tidal bore.

[Of obscure origin.]

"A few jet-skiers attempted to jump over the high waves while

paddlers in longboats tried to outrace the onrushing eagres." Batang Lupar Challenges Visitors to Tame Its Bores, New Straits Times-Management Times (Malaysia), May 8, 2001.

"They wandered with a sense of travel, to see the rushing

spring-tide, the awful Eagre, come up like a hungry monster ..." George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss, 1860.

fulminate FUL-muh-nayt, intransitive verb:

1. To issue or utter verbal attacks or censures authoritatively or menacingly.

2. To explode; to detonate.

transitive verb:

1. To utter or send out with denunciations or censures.

2. To cause to explode.

This mass culture--global, immediate, accessible, buoyant, with shared heroes, models, and goals--is immensely intoxicating. Ayatollahs fulminate against it; dictators censor it; mandarins try to slam the door on it. --Lawrence M. Friedman, [1]The Horizontal Society

He lets others fulminate on his behalf while he maintains his gentlemanly demeanor. --Richard Sandomir, "Cablevision's Dolan Makes the Deal Only When He's Ready," [2]New York Times, December 6, 1998

Everyone wants to be young, beautiful and rich. I don't say that scornfully: there are worse things to want to be. But that's why, for example, people don't begrudge Kate Moss how much she earns for a day's work but will fulminate over the take-home pay of some fat, old Water Board exec. --Nigella Lawson, "Never mind the size, just feel the price," [3]The Observer, September 3, 2000

Fulminate comes from Latin fulminare, "to strike with lightning," from fulmen, fulmin-, "a thunderbolt."

today in latin we finally pesented and errupted MT. Vesuvious and pompeii project. it went very well. we got a 85 out of 75. i am very excited that school is almost over. one more full day and 3 periods. yip.


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