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Log: Chicago Wedding #3
2002-07-10 � 10:38 p.m.

July 5, 2002 continued again

2:37 PM i found a patch for the country Man. i am going to look into this further.

2:40 PM we (chris and i) buy patches for NATO, USSR, anf Tibet. we got a 10% discount b/c chris said "free tibet." the palestinian sales women said she would buy him one if he said free palestine.

2:55 PM we see twins that look like micheal bolton

3:05 PM there is a tv in the wall that has a piece of glass on a table paused on its viewer. nobody knows why.

3:16 PM a man changes his shirt in the open walk way of the navy pier.

3:58 PM a women wearing a cow dress with a stuffed cow on her head was yelling into a cell phone "can you hear me? MOO!"

6:30 PM mom yelled "its pf changs!", everyone is excited, lets go to sleep, everyone is laughing.

6:40 PM we have to wait ten minutes for an elevator b/c we could not find the stairs and a tour bus of 40 or more Asians got there right before we did.

6:51 PM dad- do you want me to get drinks?, mom- get the sweetened ice tea not any of the horrible stuff that you can't even get down your throat.

8:40 PM (is that) britney spears? nah...

10:00 PM a fake tree attacked lauren, aka she walked into it

10:53 PM man carrying a large metal thick yard stick type pole walks into an elevator. shado.

11:57 PM here at Amerisuites there is no soap, just a "deodorant bar"

good night all

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