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Log: Chicago Wedding #2
2002-07-10 � 11:24 a.m.

July 5, 2002 continued

Notice:i kept ohio time for every entry so in chicago it is really 10:54 AM

11:54 AM we are in chicago. jess heard "pink monkeys" when mom said big companies. there is a dispute as to whether Wacker is pronounced american or german like vacker.

12:10 PM mom- you could ask the guy in the outfit, dad-no i'm scared of him.

12:43 PM We see a man on roller skates, yeha dude, i want to shake his hand.

12:50 PM a man with very sweaty armpts was rapping along to a cd with great intensity on a park bench at Navy Pier. Thumbs up dude but next times don't wear a gray shirt.

1:05 PM mom- they are really by those doves over there.

1:54 PM we have just finished lunch at joe's be-bop cafe. live jazz my butt!!!2:04 PM we notice kiosk(cart with mercahndice) called "oiled up" some people are sick

i gotta go, more log later


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