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idoneous and emily h.
2003-01-01 � 12:10 p.m.

Happy New Year everyone.

idoneous (i-DO-nee-uhs) adjective, also idonaeous

Appropriate, suitable, fit.

[From Latin idoneus (fit).]

"A friend in Wyoming received a fund-raising flier from the Cheyenne Civic Center. It began, `Kudos is an idoneous name for the Cheyenne Civic Center's 1991-92 season.'" James J. Kilpatrick, The Vast Weltanschauung of Word Wavelengths, The Chicago Sun-Times, Feb 9, 1992.

sometimes i can't get enough of The Vast Weltanschauung of Word Wavelengths. man where is bill nye or julius sumner miller when you need them?

last night i recieved the honor to babysit my amazing neighbor emily, who is now 5, and her new baby sister rebecca. here are my recorded events from the night:

*emily stuffed a flower, a photo album, 3 dolls, a book, a dime and a penny in her leotard all at once.

*emily says "the switch on my laughing box is broken. it is out of order so it won't turn off."

*she would also like to note that the laughing box is different from the giggle box.

*emily helped me put rebecca to sleep. emily proceeded to climb all over the crib and giggle while saying "i was born to be silly... and to climb"

*"i still haven't invented the tuner. it is big and it turns red when things are out of tune."

*while jamming her head into the basketball net and hoop she exclaimed, "i think this is clogged"

*emily grabbed her dads rollerblades and exclaimed, "these are my pets!!!" and continued to explain how she put wheels on them so they can move easier. "when they move they get shot, no wait shocked."

*whilst giggling uncontrollably emily jumped and tumbled all over her bed and barely got out "i am doing some night aerobics"

*emily brushed her teeth savagly and refused to wipe the tooth paste and drool off of her mouth and chin. it looked like she had hoof-in mouth.

*after i put her to bed i heard a lot of thumping and then emily ran down stairs at full speed and into the family room. she picked up the photo album and two dolls and said "sorry i forgot my photo album and two dolls" to which i couldn't muster a reply because she has removed her leotard and is just wearing a pink terricloth skirt like a loin cloth.

*at 10:30, a full hour after i have put her to bed, she runs out and exclaims "i hear fireworks." thankfully, she is now wearing a nightgown. i chat with her for a few minutes about how she can't sleep. i suggest that she should count sheep or count backwards from 105 since she knows her numbers quite well. she is postive that she could count backwards from a million and still not be tired. i told her it to try it and prove me wrong.

oh emily h, the joy you bring us all.

i get to see lisa today. amazing.


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