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holophrastic, tapper keepers, flaming dirt, and the N
2003-01-16 � 3:52 p.m.

la la la

it is snowing and it is really warm and fun outside. i will hopefully be doing some snow wakeboarding later.

holophrastic (hol-uh-FRAS-tik) adjective

1. Expressing a sentence in one word, for example, "Go."

2. Expressing complex ideas in a single word, as in some Eskimo languages.

[From Greek Holo- (whole) + Greek phrastikos, from phrazein (to speak).]

"Despite this mild heritage, Thomson sells packages easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Thomson is holophrastic." Trader Horn, Travel: gents of Change, The Guardian (London), Sep 17, 1994.

"It's interesting that while Carmen never tells Jose that she loves him, the words that one hears continually -- almost as if they were a verbal tic -- from him are `Je t'aime' or `Je t'adore.' A linguist might call such expressions holophrastic -- their individual components come together as one -- and French pronunciation emphasizes the merging of these words." Stephen Wigler, Carmen Puts Male Nightmare Into Music, The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland), Oct 7, 1990.

hmm very interesting

here are some things that happened today:

*i saw a boy carrying a navy blue zip-up tapper keeper with his books on top of it. it reminded me of middle school. those weren't the days.

*there was a girl walking down the side walk carrying a red fishing tackle box as well as her books and a book bag. i feel like it is s bit cold for fishing, but to each her own.

*there was a man trying to dig a hole in the frozen ground. he was using a very large blow torch to heat the ground up so he could dig. some of the dirt was catching on fire but he did not seem to mind.

*a girl with my initals (JLM) was extremly violated by my loud whistling of the classic jazz ballad Misty and my hat which i like to call "Jazzband Jessica goes to Sea"

there is a mysterious televison channel called 'the n' that has an amazing line up including Clarissa Explians it All, the Adventures of Pete and Pete, The Secret World of Alex Mack, Daria and Ghostwriter. all amazing shows from a not so distant past. i think it might be the noggin channels night time line up. this is one channel in the company of a few others including cartoon disney that i would thouroughly enjoy.

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