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rainbows, Jessica's, war:(, laughing, and goth
2003-03-17 � 3:34 p.m.

At the kids club last Friday, we asked the kids what do they like that God does for them. A very roudy boy named james said he likes that God give us rainbows to look at. Now not only does this make my heart melt b/c of my love for meteorology, but it gives me such joy and hope for the future that a kid under the age of ten can appreciate such a small detail of one of God�s amazing gifts.

My roommate and I (well mostly just me but she is a good sport and pretends to go along with it) have decided we need to get a bunch of little kids named Jessica to follow us around and be our posse. we chose little kids b/c then we seem more important b/c we are older. we would be the leaders of the Jessica�s as we want to call them.

Dude this stinks big time:

"Have you ever woke yourself up b/c you were laughing so hard in your dreams and like, seriously woke up b/c you were just laughing so hard?" Elise "I own the Murder She Wrote board game"Pollack

Goth (goth) noun

A rude or uncivilized person.

[From Goth, one of a Germanic tribe who invaded the Roman empire during the third, fourth and fifth centuries.]

"Meanwhile, his (Newt Gingrich's) pronunciamentos swing wildly between statesman and Goth. One minute he sounds like Peter Rodino, the next like, well, Gingrich." Michael Powell, The Speaker, Holding His Tongue, The Washington Post, Oct 31, 1998.


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