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guns, dew and strategy games
2003-11-16 � 12:12 a.m.

two orders of business:

first, today i learned how to shoot hand gun. loud. cold. scary. dangerous. fun. i was not even bad. many of you may find this alarming. you are not alone. i am alarmed as well, but this is necessary even for non-combatants to learn.

second, there are a few things i feel that i have done that i consider amazingly nerdy. these include:

1) receiving a 4 year letterman award for band

2) recieving the John Philip Sousa Award

3) declaring meteorology as my major

4) owning a pair of blue suade, New York Metropolitans shoes

today i have experienced one more to add to the list. i feel that the above stated are mostly self-explainitory. todays needs some explianing so everyone can truly understand the amount of nerdiness that happened.

-26 people. 23 males, 3 females.

-6 strategy games, Othello, and Chess

-at least 451.6 oz.'s of Moutian Dew, that's about 3.5 gallons folks.

-at least 12 quality star war character impressions; 7 of which were quality yoda impressions; all during a series of chess games

-at least 4 discussions of star wars movies becuase the strategy games reminded people of scenes; one of which comparing the accuracy of the original to the special edition.

-quoting of space balls

-quoting of the mighty python movies

-1 cell phone programmed by a participant to be a remote control for the computer to play music with out having to walking across the room. the main purpose was to change music to go along with the mood of the game. melodrama.



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