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LOG: Mission: Get KT to JFK - Day four
2004-06-30 � 10:45 p.m.

Star Date 30604

0840 The Phillips are moving to a different living quarters so we woke up early so the movers could come in and work with out obstacles.

0843 The head moving man came in, counted all the boxes that were piled around us, then finally noticed us and said �oh, ladies� and quickly left the room.

0848 Adam, Number One and I leave to get some breakfast and stay out of the way.

0946 After returning with Adam, trying to help, but being unsuccessful, Number One and I once again depart and wander the Manhattan Sector.

1000 We settle in at a Carvel and read our books.

1012 A lady comes in, gets coffee, then sits down next to me at the counter and proceeds to have a very loud conversation about her ballet career.

1040 The lady finally leaves but is still on the phone talking about how she doesn�t know if she wants to be on the board for the Royal Canadian Ballet.

1044 Number One and I depart for the Phillips living quarters.

1100 We bid Adam farewell.

1140 The Phillips once again insist that we go explore the Manhattan Sector.

1200 We arrive in a small park over looking the Hudson River. Once again we settle down to read.

1430 After lunch with the Phillips we went to their new living quarters. Then we retrieved my vehicle. I say goodbye to the Phillips and then to Number One. Number One will be missed. I set out alone to return home. My mission is complete.

This is Captain Jessica signing off.

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