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LOG: Summer Road Trip 2006: Arctic Shatter Day 1
2006-07-27 � 11:59 p.m.

Log: Summer Road Trip 2006: Arctic Shatter

27 July 2006

12:04 pm � Machel has literally packed us into her car
12:05 pm � we try to back out of the driveway but KT�s car is in the way
12:08 pm � we are off
12:12 pm � �I am feeling good but most importantly I am lookin� good� � KT
12:52 pm � �It�s as breezy as the day is long� � KT in reference to her underwear
12:57 pm � �WHOA! Do you think that Dog�s legs ever fall asleep like humans?� � KT
1:11 pm � KT is singing �in your Easter bonnet�
1:12 pm � group singing of �one� from Chorus Line
1:17 pm � Dog park for Myla�s rumpus, KT and I rearrange the car a bit
1:58 pm � �Don�t come a knockin� if the cradle is rockin�� � KT. This time also includes a port-a-potty stop
2:19 pm � �We are on the way to Myla breaking my heart with sweetness� � KT
2:20 pm � �Myla is like so sweet right now, she is noozeled up to against my bosom, I made us a little nest back here� � KT
2:46 pm � �I smell Myla�s butt� � Machel
2:52 pm � Driving through this landscape of mountains and trees makes me glad that the Washingtonian citizens are 1) educated 2) care 3) have a legislative voice [proper representation] unlike the unfortunate citizens in many regions of Appalachia
2:57 pm � �Do you think Myla�s hair gets blonder in the sun?� � KT
3:06 pm � Machel: I don�t like playing with the big trucks
JessM: Yeah, nobody really does. Maybe we can give them some chips
3:07 pm � �Myla is having a sleep and oh that water is sparkly� � KT
3:15 pm � �Heavens to Betsy� � KT
3:23 pm � Amish parade on the other side of the highway �Myla you missed the Amish� � KT
3:24 pm � �I want some meat� � Machel
3:32 pm � Machel: Look we are entering the rolling hills of eastern Washington
JessM: Oh good
KT: Yee-hah
Machel: This is cowboy country
KT: Yee-hoo
3:43 pm � We just passed a RV named �Alumascape�
4:11 pm � �Yee! Hippa! A-hooo!� � KT
4:18 pm � we pass Aplets and Cotlets at FRUIT ANTIQUES
4:19 pm � �Oh my God, KT has magic legs!� � Jessm
4:24 pm � we stop in Yakima, WA for gasoline and peeing
4:27 pm � I just saw a man that looks like T-pole�s dad carrying a gallon sized coffee mug
4:32 pm � �Do you know why Teddy Joe was on the floor Myla? Because he wasn�t wearing his seat belt.� � KT
4:53 pm � I put 3 ices on Myla�s collar!� � KT
4:57 pm � Pelican sighting just east of Yakima, WA
5:11 pm � "And she was like, ya know, peace out I�m going to take my bunny for a walk� � Jessm
5:12 pm � JessM: Yeah she dating a member of the German Soccer team
Machel: Whoa
JessM: Yeah he is pretty handsome
5:35 pm � �we�re not used to foam mountains in the city� � Machel
5:36 pm � Myla crushes JessM�s skull
5:37 pm � �What does Myla think is up here? A magical escape pod?� � Machel
5:46 pm � �What does Jumpin� Jehosphat mean?� � KT
5:54 pm � �It is just the squishings of the tendons and things� � KT
6:00 pm � Tulip Lane in Richland, WA for some wineries. �She�s been licking my armpits all day� � KT
10:18 pm � We are playing a game called Wizard here at Dustin�s house in Richland, WA. It is the one of the few card games I actually like.

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