Time in Macedonia

Time in Aberdeen, Scotland

Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

Disclaimer: The comments on this page do not express the views of Peace Corps, the United States Government, or any other organizations named in these pages.

grandmaster flash
2007-02-19 � 5:44 p.m.

So I brought all my coins from 3 years to a coinstar that was finally not out of order or full after trying for a whole year to bring it to one. I had 1222 pennies and a lot of dimes and nickels too so I had $23.27

I got an itunes gift card and I bought some Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. Tres magnific

Jenny, thanks for posting that voicemail, it was totally awesome. Also, I will come to your party when ever you have it, if I am working I will try to trade weekends

Sweet T as you call yourself now, welcome back to the blogs, do you still read this? I don�t have regular internet access so it is hard to update and read. Congrats on the Job and tell Chris I say congrats on the Zambia job.


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