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LOG: Get Down with Oaktown #1
2008-05-12 � 12:29 p.m.

howdy y'all from the heart of it all!

i am very pleased to be back in the state of Ohio.

when my plane laneded at CLE i almost started crying tears of joy of being back home and in civilization.

my trip to Oakland, CA to visit Katie was awesome. I got to hang out with Collin and meet his sister Emily and his mom, who are both wonderful. and it was sunny and beautiful and there are green plants! photosynthesis is going on! AND there is night and day, not just 21 hours of light adn 3 hrs of dusk/dawn.

here is the first part of the LOG

LOG: Get Down with Oaktown

5 May 2008


11:28 PM � the Fairbanks International Airport with its 3 terminals has about 8 giant corn-fed burly white dudes as security, and it took 5 of them to figure out what my SLR cameras were in their x-ray monitor thingy

6 May 2008

12:25 AM � A cheerful toddler who was running around screaming and pushing his grandma�s rolling suitcase stopped and looked completely terrified when he saw me smiling at him and ran in the other direction.

12:39 AM � this family has just walked in. they all have the look and build of refrigerators. The dad is wearing a bright orange George Jones The Legend Lives Tour t-shirt and the mother and daughter are both wearing matching magenta and gray jumpsuits with bright magenta t-shirts tucked into them. I would say parents in their sixties, daughter in her forties.

1:48 AM � So they did the safety demo and we pulled away from the gate and onto the runway 45 minutes ago and we have just been sitting here, now they are covering the wings with the pink anti freezing stuff

2:00 AM � PEACE OUT Alaska!!!!!!!!!


7:00 AM � Landed in SeaTac

7:35 AM � the weather here in the hedge city is not very friendly, I hope CA provides a warmer welcome

8:45 AM � Once again they do the safety schpeal and we pull out to the runway, BUT then we sit for an 45 with no news or notice

9:00 AM � after one hour of waiting they finally tell us that the breaks are broken

9:10 AM � I am surrounded by about 15 people who are all going to a conference from work. This one dude next to me is a mix between Ned Flanders and a smart pompous asshole. He never really stops talking.

9:30 AM � They needed to order the parts for the break so now we are on a new flight. I even saw my luggage go on!!!

9:39 AM � all the flight attendants are pretty much MILFs

9:48 AM � Peace out Sea-Tac, an hour and a half late

3:45 PM � KT: I thought you would like to meditate on the boat before embarking on the adventure of a lifetime
jessm: I have no idea what you are talking about
KT: You don�t?

3:48 PM � �I just like to hear myself talk� � KT

3:55 PM � �I�m feeling charitable, so I won�t kick her in the face� � KT

4:44 PM � there is this bird that sort of looks like a cross between a loon and a duck and it swims with its body under the water and just the neck and head above. weird.

*UPDATE: upon further research this bird turns out to be the Double-crested Cormorant

4:45 PM � jessm: yeah I am going to be like the biggest loser at home
KT: you mean like the show or personally?
jessm: both

5:06 PM � �It�s like being friends with Hermione, I�m like �can I borrow your history of magic notes?� �yes� �thanks�� - jessm

5:18 PM � �Our professor just got the new Mac operating system, I don�t know it is called like safari or voyager or something� - jessm

8:55 PM � �Are you going to stick up for me or are you just gonna look at me like a drunk old man?� � KT

10:24 PM � �she needs to get a new dog and become a real estate agent� � KT


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