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LOG: Chicago: Acapulco Nights #4
2008-05-25 � 11:16 a.m.

18 May 2008

10:27 AM � we pass an old lady wearing a tank top and a side pony tail

10:29 AM � we pass a license plate that reads FUH

11:51 AM � �I feel like there are a lot of identical people running together� � jessm

12:15 PM � we are at the Lincoln Park Zoo, which is awesome because it is free. There are these little toddlers feeding crunchy cheetos to the ducks. It seems that ducks love crunchy cheetos.

12:24 PM � all the bears we have passed are eating bone marrow with joy.

12:40 PM � a boy of about 5 years old just passed me with a great mullet circa 1992 like this picture but think 5 years old, white, and blonde.

12:43 PM � the Pallas Cat �is not a house cat� even though it is a similar size. The best part is that according to this sign the pallas cat must growl before opening it�s eyes. I am glad that God has not imposed such a thing on humans, imagine growing up in an orphanage with everyone growling before they open their eyes, you could hardly sneak away in the middle of the night and it would be hard to sleep in with everyone growling all around you.

1:19 PM � jessm: I have so many new phone numbers now
Machel: do you collect them like butterflies?

1:29 PM � we pass Dinkel�s Bakery

2:13 PM � we are at Victory�s Banner for brunch. This is excellent chai.
2:14 PM � �You bet your butt I am putting up a link to their website on the log� � jessm

2:51 PM � �be sure to use the restroom here if you want to learn about happiness� � Machel

2:55 PM � Google: �Bruce Springsteen and Stephen King musical� I did and I can�t find anything about it but I did find some stuff about a John Mellencamp and Stephen King musical

3:00 PM � �They don�t call me the abacus for nothing� � Gwen

3:02 PM � Chris: Is Alaska part of the Arctic Circle?
jessm: I think so, can you give me the latitude and I might be able to tell you for sure

Captain�s Note: Alaska is part of the Arctic Circle

3:15 PM � unfortunate topic of discussion: Figging

4:02 PM � �did any of you know I had an extensive bouncy ball collection when I was young?� � Machel

9:32 PM � �Bad-ass mama jama� � Lauren P

9:40 PM � �I am glad a blind bake sounds less painful than a blind date� � jessm

9:59 PM � �There is a lot of rhubarb, don�t be alarmed� � Machel

10:51 PM � �Myla I don�t think you look emo, I think you look more like a gypsy,� � Machel

10:52 PM � �I think that is the first time I have ever written gypsy, ever� � jessm


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