Time in Macedonia

Time in Aberdeen, Scotland

Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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shout out, holla back
2008-08-03 � 10:59 p.m.

so there is a log from my trip to cousin ben's wedding comming soon.

here are some shout outs i have been meaning to make:

E.L. - that is amazing that you got a walk score of 92! cool! also your recent log and your convo with your bro about being a chicken guard are both hilarious!

L�ki - it is upsetting to me that Nome, AK got a lower walk score than Hudson, OH. this makes me think there the walk scoring system doesn't work for AK, like the ecological foot print test doesn't really work for AK either.

jessi- i did not know that Fergie as in Black Eyed Peas Fergie is Stacey from the 80s show Kids Inc. but i thank you for letting us know about this info and for leading me to enjoy a half an hour of laughing at youtube videos of her in Kids Inc. sketches.

depending if you clicked on my flickr photo link above you may not have noticed that i have learned to write my name in Elvish. yes, the made up language by J.R.R. Tolkien from Lord of the Rings. i also put my full name in Elvish down at the bottom of this page.

T-pole - you will be happy to know that in addition to learning Elvish, i have been listening to my Macedonian language lessons twice a day for the past 3 days.

i am seeing Harry and the Potters with mary and sarah tomorrow! woot!


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