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singing cicadas
2008-08-19 � 2:33 p.m.

greetings from NYC!

my arrival in NY was a little crazy involving me walking around the baggage claim areas for 45 minutes finding the dude that was supposed to pick me up and scott having to come home from work to show me how to open his apartment door after i could not for oh about another 35 minutes.

sillyness abounds. stay tuned for some partial travel logs.


i forgot to mention in the last entry that during the community band concert the cicadas were "singing along" with the band. there humming was actually in tune with the band and followed the dynamics of the band. when the band was quiet they were quiet if the band was loud they were loud too and they crecendoed and decrecendoed right along with the band.

it was really one of the coolest things i have ever heard.


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