Time in Macedonia

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Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

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Text Log: Food
2009-02-24 � 2:21 p.m.

Text Log: Food
Text Log: Food

9 October 2008
A � Evan, Connor, and Benson all have connections to meat judging
Me � my host family served me 6 filled donuts that were about 6 inches in diameter and about 3 inches thick and then were disappointed when I was only able to eat one
A � 6 donuts? Any intestines in them? I�m so tired of eating�

12 October 2008
Me � I ate a pepper that was so hot it made me cry with snot running down my face and I got the hiccups.
A � K did that last week

25 October 2008
Me - chipsy chips are the best chips
R � for realz. I heart chipsy chips

31 October 2008
R � �my family knows I hate bread. He he he. So you know what I had to eat today? he he, Bread!� - H

20 November 2008
Me � Chocolat 4 balls
R � whipper cream nut

23 January 2009
A2 � crumbed frog, chicken diplomatic kabobs

Those last two were menu items, though rough translations, the message of the piece still rings clear


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