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Text Log: Traditional Medicine
2009-03-12 � 12:52 p.m.

Text Log: Traditional Medicine

Notes: Rockia is a moonshine type whiskey people make at home here that generally resembles and tastes like lighter fluid and people believe it to have many medicinal powers.

22 October 2008
after I broke the coffee table glass...
K � are you sure you are ok? If I was there I would rub some rockia or maybe an onion on your legs

10 November 2008
Me � so I had a fever and I took some Tylenol and slept for 3 hours then I woke up and my host family tried to make me eat undercooked chicken so I told them I was sick to get out of it and then they tried to cover me in chili peppers and wrap me in cloth soaked in rockia until I called the PC doctors to get me out of it

2 December 2008
A2 � what do you call a produce sack, oil, lemon & an apron?
Me � heart burn?
A2 � experiencing first �hand the marvels of traditional remedies for curing a sore throat ;-)
Me � so that�s what they do when they don�t have rockia
A2 � yep, sure is! I�m worried that by morning my neck will develop chronic acne�


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