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LOG: The Vision - Part 4
2010-12-21 � 11:49 p.m.

21 December 2010

09:37 � �That SUV has reindeer horns on it! Why didn�t we decorate our car for Christmas?� � KT

09:51 � Indiana: The Hoosier State

Eastern Standard Time

13:04 � �Whoa handi-tram, stay in your own lane!� � JessM

13:05 � 2500 miles down

13:26 � Ohio: The Buckeye State

15:40 � �Today has been a Shaquiqua free call day� � JessM

15:55 � �Cuyahoga County Bitches� � JessM

16:04 � �I sort of feel like I have to vomit now. Maybe my pee is comin� out as vomit� � KT

16:09 � JessM (yelling): We�ll be home for Christmas!!
KT: Don�t make me loud noises �cause I might pee
JessM sprays the dashboard with Diet Mountain Dew

16:22 � HUDSON, OHIO

This is Captain Jessica signing off!

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Chicago to Seattle - 2014-05-27
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 3 - 2011-07-24
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 2 - 2011-07-23
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 1 - 2011-07-22
LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 4 - 2011-03-27