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scoop, chary, talisman, and activities
2002-05-31 � 12:02 p.m.

sup kids,

so heres the scoop: i have to start working at this jive plant on monday. i am not pleased. technically i do not have to work until the tenth but my dadio says he will fix my air conditioning if i work this monday, tuesday and friday. the good parts about it are that i get steel-toed boots and a fly uniform and smock for free.

here are some words with boringish definitions but funny examples:

chary CHAIR-ee, adjective:

1. Wary; cautious.

2. Not giving or expending freely; sparing.

What do you suppose the Founding Fathers, so chary of overweening government power, would make of a prosecutor with virtually unlimited reach and a staff the size of a small town? --"U.S. trampling rights at home and abroad," [1]Atlanta Journal-Constitution, February 17, 1998

Investors should be chary, however, for the returns are far from sizzling. --"The Stampede Into Variable Annuities," [2]Fortune, October 13, 1986

Bankers, consulted as to whether or not they believed that the full force of the decline had spent its fury, were chary of predictions. --"Leaders See Fear Waning," [3]New York Times, October 30, 1929

When I visited Sissinghurst with my growing family she was always welcoming, eager for our news but chary of her own. --Nigel Nicolson, [4]Long Life

Chary comes from Old English cearig, "careful, sorrowful," from cearu, "grief, sorrow, care."

talisman (TAL-is-man, -iz-) noun

1. An object, such as a stone, believed to have occult powers to keep evil away and bring good fortune to its wearer.

2. Anything that has magical powers and brings miraculous effects.

[From French or Spanish, from Arabic tilasm, from Greek telesma

(consecration) from telein (to consecrate or complete) from telos,


"Drivers clutching this (AAA) card as a talisman against automotive calamity should know that, in doing so, they lend support to an agenda in favor of road building, against pollution control and even auto-safety measures - that helps deepen the automotive calamity afflicting the nation as a whole." Ken Silverstein, Smitten With a Club, Harper's Magazine (New York), May 2002.

ok well i gotta go, i have a lot to do today:

grad music practice ?

jazz band at 4:45-6pm

open of little shop starring many of my friends

band rehersal

and band gig at 2 am. yip!!!


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