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cancelled, RA, jazz, math, funny
2002-09-09 � 4:35 p.m.

hey kids whats up

so i woke up and walked to my first class at 9 and it was cancelled. it was theater history I. i am supposed to try again on wednesday.

my RA is awesome. he has majenta/pink hair. he is very helpful and nice.

i can not do jazz band this quarter. it will not fit in my schedule. that kind of stinks.

so my math class is like algebra but you are required to use a graphing calculator. wow. the teacher is an Indian Master student that does not speak english very well.

ok so the funniest thing i saw today was this kid chewing gum and smoking a cigarette at the same time. well is sad that he will probably die of lung cancer and i should probably feel sad but it was still amusing.

the words have been pretty lame lately. sorry to those of you who actually read them. my desktop background is the exploding dog picture called "I eat them by the handful" found at


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