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useless intros and stuff
2003-04-07 � 6:02 p.m.

here is one of the three introductions to my narrative about recalling school that i can not use b.c it is not recalling school it is recalling life in general:

Up until then, I had lived my whole entire life in rural Sussex, NJ, with the cows, the ponds, the fields and the forests, and lets not forget the hot dog man in front of the tiny airport at the end of my road. To play with friends your moms had to plan for a few weeks in advance. Being snatched up from my neighborhoodless community and thrown into a developing neighborhood in Bethlehem PA.

right. so uuuuuuhhhhh yeah here is this:

tbone2727: dude you rock the house hard core

Razzle0719: and you tear it up back stage like never before


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Chicago to Seattle - 2014-05-27
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 3 - 2011-07-24
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 2 - 2011-07-23
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 1 - 2011-07-22
LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 4 - 2011-03-27