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no sleep, beating ass, about a boy, earthwolf, barbies, and thunderstorms
2003-04-21 � 12:08 a.m.


i stayed up all night on maundy thursday by myself and it was completely fine. i was up for 40 hrs and the Spirit of the Lord stayed with me and i was never too tired. i even ran up and down the stairs, wrote an english paper, and had a worship hour at 6:30-7:00 am (aka jessica sitting in the lyndsay's empty bedroom singing praise songs by herself)

this is a conversation i had with my roomate:

me: jessn, what would you do if your mom threw out all of your clothes?

her: i'd beat her ass down!

jessn found an umbrella and said it was broken. then she said "see" and opened it and it was perfectly fine. then came the statement "man, i thought this was broken. i guess i just wasn't pushing hard enough"

i hung out with bryony and she showed me these learn english for Japanese kids tapes that her family is in the cast. they were amazing. we also watched this movie "about a boy" it was very good. i give it 2 thumbs up.

the spell check thought the the dormatory named Martzolff should have been "earthwolf." amazing

on the drive to cincinnati christopher and i saw this car with 2 adults in it. a man was driving and a female was in the passenger seat. this adult female in her late 20s was intensely playing with a barbie and meticulously dressing the barbie as well.

Easter was the bomb. He has risen. He has risen indeed.

to finish out my amazing resurrection weekend i just returned from playing out in the pouring rain. this consisted of trying to catch rain in my mouth and jumping in the puddles like i was five. it was the most fun i have had in a long time. hopefully it wasnt acid rain, i already have some digestion problems. i recommend this activity to any person, happy or sad, from age 3 to 300. ages one and two might not be ready for this jelly, if you're pickin up what i am puttin down


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