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i miss you joshua! :(
2003-07-09 � 6:29 p.m.

welcome to the crap club.(thanks thomas)

today was not the best of days. i was the only one home. it was far from cool.

Mr. Joshua Purplepants, Esquire passed away today at around 3:20 pm.

Let us remember how he could bring so many people so much joy. here are the lyrics of a song written by his owner that says a lot about this extraordinary cat. it is titled "Mr. Joshua" :

You make gray look like sunshine

You're a giant who's only one foot tall

You're scared of thunder but my heart you plundered

With your yellow eyes and your little paws

Mr. Joshua what are you thinking of

Chasing birds at the window

Mr. Joshua

What are you dreaming of

Is it love

Your a lover and a fighter

But gentle as the morning dew

My life was happy but somethine was missing

I didn't know what it was till i met you

Mr. Joshua what are you thinking of

Chasing birds at the window

Mr. Joshua

What are you dreaming of

Is it love

he brought us love, joy and happiness. he will be missed, but he will be remembered.


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