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LOG: Spring Break 2004 Day 7
2004-03-25 � 11:57 p.m.

Day 7: Thursday 25 March 2004

1410- With out a car, Katie and I take the bus to get Oliver from the Airport.

1412- On this bus there is a poem on an art advertisement that is awesome. Poem #32 Ice Cream

I lost an ice cream cone out a window

It maybe fell in the dirt

And I am still waiting for summer

By Bryson Good, Grade 2

Way to keep it real Bryson, I am feeling it.

1445- We have retrieved Oliver from the Airport and are meeting Jen at Thai Toms for lunch.

1933- After lunch we return to Katie, Jen, and Bryony�s cave and have now sat around the kitchen table, chatting and drinking tea for about 5 hours.

2130- Bryony finally gets home from babysitting and we are off to Michelle�s house for dinner.

2247- I finally meet the infamous Jessi Dobos, now I have a face to put to the much-talked about name.

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