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LOG: Summer Road Trip 2006: Arctic Shatter Day 7
2006-08-02 � 11:56 p.m.

2 August 2006

8:16 am � �Showers are for suckers. I know because I just took a shower and I�m a sucker.� � KT
9:28 am � Machel: I didn�t take any pictures from this part of the trip.
KT: Let�s just consider it the hidden part of the trip.
9:35 am � Myla stabbed Katie in the heart by spilling her coffee all over her.
9:42 am � �I like to think of them as springy.� �Machel
9:49 am � �Sweet as a snake in a river�that bites you�and gives you poison that will kill you�by making your blood run cold�and making your heart stop.� � KT
9:53 am � KT quips to Myla, �How many people do you think are dead in that cemetery?�
Machel: Not enough.
9:54 am � �Myla�s ass is rubbed up against my trachea.� � KT
9:55 am � �I do have a free hand. Hoho. For waving.� � KT
9:57 am � �Every time Michele says that, I get the willies.� Pause. �What�s the willies?� - KT
11:13 am � We are on our way out of Iowa.
11:14 am � It�s scat hour in the Meyer mobile.
11:15 am � �Colonectomy!!!� - KT
11:19 am � KC�s General Store. Not really for lunch.
11:56 am � �Lesson learned. Don�t break up the caravan.� - KT
12:03 pm � Crazy patriotic back truck window with lightening, flags and eagles.
12:07 pm � The people of Illinois welcome us.
12:17 pm � �She�s just like a little sighmaster!� - JessM
12:21 pm � JessM: I hate it when the Wal-Mart�s are green.
KT: That mean�s it�s a Super Wal-Mart.
JessM: No, no. In Ohio, we have Super Wal-Mart�s that are as blue as the ocean.
12:22 pm � KT and JessM both start shouting �JIG! JIG! JIG! JIG! JIG! JIG! JIG!� in hopes that Myla will dance.
12:27 pm � KT can�t stop talking about how precious this town is with its red roads and bunting.
�I�m totally moving to Galena, IL.�- KT
1:02 pm � Altanic is the name of the truck in front of us.
1:03 pm � Myla just bit off my hat and licked my forehead.
1:27 pm � Broaster chicken? Question mark?
2:10 pm � Myla chewed through her leash in a perfectly straight line while we were getting nibs and having a pee in the Road Ranger CITGO.
2:25 pm � �Maybe Myla has a pair of scissors.� � Machel
2:34 pm � �My little car is so tiny. It�s a little putt putt.� � Machel
2:39 pm � The Groendyke transport truck�s female driver has a Jesus bobble head on the dashboard. Word to my sista.
3:18 pm � We pass a castle. Machel thinks it�s Medieval Times (go yellow knight!!)
4:11 pm � �But if this Acura tries to sneak in, shit�s gonna blow!� � Machel
4:17 pm � A license plate reads �MY BOD 6�
�What the hellfire does that mean?� � Machel
4:48 pm � Arrive at Machel�s apartment
4:57 pm � �It�s like geometry!� � Machel
8:31 pm � We have moved Machel into her apartment. It was hot. I couldn�t get the cold water to turn on in the shower. I cried. I wish I was kidding. Now we are at Bar Louie with Adam and Sarah. Chris will come soon.
8:39 pm � �I�m fascinated by the bacon-wrapped dates.� � Machel
9:02 pm � Christopher arrived soaking wet from the rain.
11:35 pm � �Look who�s the scaredy puss!� � Machel

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